Collect discoveries, participate in contests & quizzes and get a full overview of the activities at the Aquarium! The app gives you a whole new and interactive way to explore the Aquarium. Read more about what the app contains below.🏆 COMPETITIONS & QUIZERIn the app you can participate in competitions and test your quiz skills against other curious and educated. If you create an account in the app, you can log in to see how many points you have received on the quiz you have participated in and compare the score with your friends and others who have quiz.📅 PROGRAM OF ACTIVITIESWe give you a complete overview of what is happening at Bergens coolest attraction! In the app you will find an activity calendar that tells you about the different activities at the Aquarium in Bergen - for example when the penguins are feeding.💡 LEARNEDIn the app you can gather discoveries and learn more about all the different animals and species we have at the Aquarium. At the Aquarium, both children and adults can see, feel, read and follow both animals and the animal caretakers in close quarters. You can participate in training and feeding and see what fish and animals do when they are in their proper element.🗺️ INTERACTIVE MAPThe aquarium in Bergen is big with lots of fun activities - both inside and out. In the app you have access to an interactive aquarium that will help you find all our fun attractions.❗ NEWSThe app gives you an overview of the latest news from the Aquarium, so you always know about things to do in Bergen.🎫 BUY A TICKET AND ANNUAL CARDYou can easily buy tickets and annual tickets for the Aquarium in Bergen in the app, and have a full overview of your tickets in the app.